Red Wing Heritage Oro Legacy 875 & 877 皮革靴款

翻开历史的篇章,来自明尼苏达州的著名鞋履品牌 Red Wing 近日重新打造了 875 与 877 这两双经典的靴款。采用于 50

Fashion 时装

翻开历史的篇章,来自明尼苏达州的著名鞋履品牌 Red Wing 近日重新打造了 875 与 877 这两双经典的靴款。采用于 50 年前发布时同样的皮革材质与五金配件构成,并搭载机能性满载的白色大底,原汁原味得以流露。而当谈及这两双靴款的设计,Red Wing 则表示:

Oro Legacy represents durability, eye appealing, healthful properties—it breathes—molds readily to the shape of the foot, and because it is natural (non-pigmented finish) all of nature’s beauty marks are visible and representative of heavyweight U.S. cattle hides. Consumers also can expect color variation because of the natural, unfinished method of production. The amount and type of oil used by the tannery was a critical component in the development of both the color and feel. A rich, oily feel was historically perceived as a signature property of Red Wing shoes and boots.

目前,全新的 Red Wing Heritage Oro Legacy 875 & 877 已可经由这里购得。



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