David Hellqvist 为 oki-ni STYLED 打造时尚造型特辑

英国知名的时尚购物网站 oki-ni 经常会邀请不同的时尚单位打造造型特辑,继 Adrien Sauvage 和 A$AP Rocky 之后,最近就找来《PORT Magazine》的网上编辑兼品牌

Fashion 时装

英国知名的时尚购物网站 oki-ni 经常会邀请不同的时尚单位打造造型特辑,继 Adrien SauvageA$AP Rocky 之后,最近就找来《PORT Magazine》的网上编辑兼品牌 Hellqvist & O’Donovan 的共同创办人 David Hellqvist 搭配春夏新装,并取其名为 “Techno Tailor Soldier Spy”。这次 David Hellqvist 将基本服与运动服进行搭配,例如上身的正装搭配下身的 Leggings 或球鞋,将这些作品的穿搭性提升到另一层次。而当中最大胆的莫过于模特儿身上虽然穿著 Nike x Undercover Gyakusou,但却搭配一对绅士鞋,实在令人意想不到。而关于这个 “Techno Tailor Soldier Spy” 造型特辑,David Hellqvist 就表示:

“Life isn’t black or white… it’s grey. People who try and live by one idea alone, stubbornly refusing to compromise, tend to be uninspired and one-track minded. The key is to look around, to be influenced by different people, several schools of thought and completely opposite styles. By embracing this sartorial, intellectual and philosophic mish mash, you’ll find your own unique approach to life and clothes. Somewhere in the middle something new and exciting will be born.

“Techno Tailoring is all about fusing the best of both worlds. Look at your life; there’s an element of formal strictness, whether you like it or not. You might subscribe to a casual lifestyle but no doubt you’ll need to dress up from time to time. Instead of hiding the crisp formal shirts and well-tailored coats, move them to the front of your wardrobe. Wear them with technologic sportswear. But the key is finding the balance; no-one dresses in stiff, formal and starched collars seven days a week, just as full-on outfits of innovative high performance gear only makes sense on athletes. Neither of them work as one-way versions of your everyday wardrobe. Techno Tailoring is about mixing sporty details with smart looks, about accessorising clever streetwear with well-made and qualitative bits of Savile Row aesthetic.”



SUPER 2013 秋冬 “Reflek” & “Spektra” 太陽眼鏡系列
Fashion 时装

SUPER 2013 秋冬 “Reflek” & “Spektra” 太阳眼镜系列

义大利著名眼镜品牌 SUPER 近日抢先发布 2013 秋冬 “Reflek” 与 “Spektra” 系列新品。打头阵的为 Leon 与 Primo

Raised by Wolves 2013 春夏系列造型 Lookbook
Fashion 时装

Raised by Wolves 2013 春夏系列造型 Lookbook

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Braun BNE001 ET66 Calculator 新一代計算器
Design 设计

Braun BNE001 ET66 Calculator 新一代计算器

毋庸置疑的,当谈及德国家电品牌 Braun 旗下最经典的设计,必然不能不提到 ET66 Calculator。作为 iPhone 上原始计算器应用程序的设计灵感来源,ET66 Calculator

En Noir 2013 春夏系列 “Closer” 造型 Lookbook
Fashion 时装

En Noir 2013 春夏系列 “Closer” 造型 Lookbook

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KAWS 於 KaiKai Kiki Gallery 舉辦 “Ohhh…” 展覽新作品預覽
Art 艺术

KAWS 于 KaiKai Kiki Gallery 举办 “Ohhh…” 展览新作品预览

在看过昨天美国传奇艺术家 KAWS 于村上隆的 KaiKai Kiki Gallery 举办名为 “Ohhh…” 的个人展览预览报导后,此番我们带来更多相关消息。“Ohhh…”

Monocle 造訪 BASELWORLD 2013 鐘錶展
Fashion 时装

Monocle 造访 BASELWORLD 2013 钟表展

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Supra & G-SHOCK 30 週年合作企劃 “It’s About Time” 品牌視頻釋出
Fashion 时装

Supra & G-SHOCK 30 周年合作企划 “It’s About Time” 品牌视频释出

今年是 G-SHOCK 面世的 30 周年,而 Casio 近日就与美国鞋履品牌 Supra 合作,打造名为 “It’s About Time” 的合作企划,当中包含一只别注的 G-SHOCK

Thom Browne Checkered Backpack 多彩格紋背包
Fashion 时装

Thom Browne Checkered Backpack 多彩格纹背包

由美国鬼才设计师 Thom Browne 所主导的个人同名品牌向来以极简利落的商务绅士设计而为人称道,不过为了顺应今年格纹大热的趋势,以及已经即将到来的夏日,品牌此番带来这款多彩的

Nixon 2013 夏季 The Time Teller P Dip-Dye Collection 系列腕表
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Nixon 2013 夏季 The Time Teller P Dip-Dye Collection 系列腕表

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Tech & Gadgets 科技

Instagram 推出 “Photos of You” 标签相片功能

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