由 Hedi Slimane 掌镜拍摄 Daft Punk 担任封面人物《Dazed & Confused》2013 年 6 月号曝光!

早前给大家带来了由美国音乐人 Giorgio Morodor 担任封面人物的英国杂志《Dazed & Confused》6

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早前给大家带来了由美国音乐人 Giorgio Morodor 担任封面人物的英国杂志《Dazed & Confused》6 月封面,兼同时预告了另一款封面的封面人物,而今次就终于可以为各位披露他的真正身份,就是近日曝光率极高的法国电子乐团 Daft Punk。照片同样由 Saint Laurent 创意总监 Hedi Slimane 操刀拍摄,而 Giorgio Moroder 也有在照片中粉墨登场,而今次就成为了 Daft Punk 两位成员 Thomas Bangalter 和 Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo 与别人拍摄造型照的第一次。除了这辑照片之外,Giorgio Morodor 亦有参与对方的全新专辑《Random Access Memories》的录制过程,为歌曲《Giorgio By Moroder》献声。而今次 Daft Punk 除了为杂志拍摄封面之外,亦抽空接受了专访,以下访问的部份节录,完整内容请浏览《Dazed & Confused》的官方网站


Guy-Manuel De Homem-Christo: It was a really special process. Every album we’ve done is tightly linked with our lives. You cannot separate your life and your music and your job; everything’s linked. The internal, personal stuff Thomas went through during Human After All made it closer to where he was at the time, and this one feels a lot closer to me than him. We make music together, but this one took me to some special depths, getting really close to what I was going through personally. I’ve never been too technical; Thomas is more the technician. This album has more soul.


I didn’t have any idea how you guys would use it. I thought you might cut it up into a rap. So I was pleasantly surprised when I heard it the first time. It was also kind of emotional to hear my story and a little bit of my sound in there. I’m one of the few humans alive whose biography is a song.


Guy-Manuel De Homem-Christo: Right now my brain is shutting everything down, making me pretend that everything is normal. It still amazes me that everyone is so crazy about what we are doing. I’m like, either I am crazy or everybody’s crazy. Maybe I am just dreaming but people seem to really freak out at what we are doing. I don’t know why!

Thomas Bangalter: The music itself is exactly what we wanted it to be. We have no anxiety about that. Sharing it with the world is something different. It’s a big question mark. There’s a certain amount of excitement and madness that enters the equation.



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