Complex 与 Pharrell Williams 合作打造最新专题「Gravitational Pull」

随著 2013 年的渐入尾声,著名时尚资讯网站 Complex 便请来人气巨星 Pharrell Williams,共同打造了名为「Gravitational Pull」的年终专题,以回顾今年对于

Culture 文化

随著 2013 年的渐入尾声,著名时尚资讯网站 Complex 便请来人气巨星 Pharrell Williams,共同打造了名为「Gravitational Pull」的年终专题,以回顾今年对于 Pharrell 的重要意义。这篇文章以标准的采访形式展开,并为 Pahrrell 拍摄了一组以外太空为主题的 GIF 动态大片,然后通过空间感十足的布局以及醒目的图像,让读者产生身临其境般的独特观感。至于内容方面,Pharrell 则探讨了重塑自己的重要性,今夏参与热门单曲《Blurred Lines》和《Get Lucky》制作的故事,以及自己是否还喜欢说唱等问题。感兴趣的朋友不妨参阅以下片段,并前往 Complex 获取完整访谈内容。

Did you ever imagine you would end up where you are now?
What’s ahead, you don’t know. So, fuck it. Remember they didn’t like tight pants? They were laughing at me. We were jumping around in the N.E.R.D video, “Everyone Nose.” We were bringing light to what the party scene had become. We were moshin’ at a time where niggas were like, “What’s that?” And I’m like, “What do you mean? Y’all don’t remember when Onyx was moshin’?” They were the first to do that shit.

Most people wouldn’t connect those dots, Onyx and tight pants.
I took inspiration from that movement last year when I went to Japan. I dressed like a black skinhead. I was wearing a flight jacket, and instead of red suspenders I had Chanel suspenders. I’m living in the moment. I’m dancing in that light. Because I know that at some point, either the light burns out or the projector stops turning. So, is there a method? That’s my method. My method is to know I can’t control everything. I can’t make everybody like me. And there’s a small bunch of people that fuck with me, right? So, I’m cool with my soldiers.



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