Sneaker News 专访 Nike Kobe 9 Elite 设计师 Eric Avar

随著 Nike Kobe 9 Elite 的发布,著名球鞋网站 Sneaker News 便请来鞋款的设计者 Eric

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随著 Nike Kobe 9 Elite 的发布,著名球鞋网站 Sneaker News 便请来鞋款的设计者 Eric Avar,让他简要的介绍一下鞋款的设计思路和主要灵感。采访过程中,设计师谈及了许多相关问题,包括这款球鞋的独特轮廓,物料的选择,以及球鞋发展的趋势。下面便带来这次专访的摘要内容,感兴趣的朋友不妨前往 Sneaker News 阅读完整文章。

Describe the process of working with Kobe, and why it’s so tough.
I wouldn’t describe it as tough – I would say it’s intense. Obviously Kobe is incredibly intense – very competitive, very detail-oriented. The way he plays the game is the way he wants to be involved in the design and innovation process. What he expects of himself, he expects from us, so it’s definitely intense. I’m a competitive person myself, so we just feed off of that – he pushes us.

Can you describe how Flyknit was engineered specifically for this shoe and sport?
Primarily, the type of fibers we used were different. We used some non-stretch fibers on the forefoot and the lateral, and more traditional fibers at the mid foot, and made use of more dynamic fibers up to the ankle collar for that dynamic fit. So it really was a combination of the type of fibers and type of stitches – tight stitches at the forefoot, moderate stitches at the mid foot, and simple dynamic stitches at the collar.



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