Paid Vaca 专访创意人 Teddy King

身兼多职的 Teddy King 既是 DJ,又是 U.S. Sales 的经理人,同时更主导日本时尚品牌 Lafayette 。对 Teddy

Fashion 时装

身兼多职的 Teddy King 既是 DJ,又是 U.S. Sales 的经理人,同时更主导日本时尚品牌 Lafayette 。对 Teddy 来讲这一切都离不开他在纽约的音乐背景,Lafayette 虽然是日本品牌,但每一季的服饰都散发出浓浓的美式街头气息,同时多数的灵感均来自纽约,因此想把 Lafayette 打入美国的市场只是时间的问题。知名线上零售商 Paid Vaca 近日就对 Teddy King 进行了一次采访,以下是访问的一部份,想了解完整的采访可以前往  Paid Vaca 查看。

As the current manager of US Sales & Press for Lafayette, how’d you become acquainted and affiliated with the Lafayette team?
Back in 2010 DJ Clark Kent introduced Lafayette to the Boundless Movement and me. Clark Kent has always supported what we were doing and was also a big part of the Lafayette movement worldwide as well. So instantly I became a big fan and in love with the Lafayette line and brand mission. So we started supporting each other and I did a few music projects with Lafayette and traveled to Japan to DJ and started to build the relationship. Shortly after that I was offering the brand to wholesale account in the US, acting as a salesman and marketing. As things progressed we then worked on launching a US web-store. Privilege New York launched this past April and has been on a roll ever since. So now I am currently working full time. We now have a home base here in Brooklyn NY. We have an office and started a brand new US company side. I’m running and managing the Privilege website from the office and also using it as a Lafayette showroom and warehouse.

What region/city is home base for the Lafayette team? Would you say that this city has a significant influence on the creative process behind the Lafayette line?
The first Lafayette store was opened in Fujisawa, which is the country beach side out side of Tokyo. The next Lafayette store was opened in Yokohama, which is like the Brooklyn of Tokyo. Each store has different styles and people with in the cities. The Fujisawa store has a big section of used goods, which is like a Thrift store. The Yokohama store has 2 floors and one floor is dedicated to brands like J crew & Polo. And the other has brands like Acapulco Gold, Deadline & am AfterMidnight.



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