Mercedes-Benz AMG Vision Gran Turismo 发布会回顾

这几天各大媒体都在纷纷报导有关于 Mercedes-Benz 为游戏《Gran Turismo 6》所打造的新款超级概念跑车 AMG Vision Gran Turismo,而

这几天各大媒体都在纷纷报导有关于 Mercedes-Benz 为游戏《Gran Turismo 6》所打造的新款超级概念跑车 AMG Vision Gran Turismo,而 Mercedes-Benz 于日前 11 月 19 日在位于加州桑尼韦尔市的新研发中心内为该款 AMG Vision Gran Turismo 进行了发布仪式。由于该车款是专为《Gran Turismo 6》而设的概念车,同时 Mercedes-Benz 也不打算生产,而为了此番的开幕仪式上所见到的是一台以 1 : 1 打造出来的实车车型。

HYPEBEAST 同时也藉此机会与当天也有出席揭幕仪式的 AMG Vision Gran Turismo 设计师 Kazunori Yamauchi 进行了一次简短的访问,据 Kazunori Yamauchi 所讲,他也是在当天才亲眼开看到该款 1 : 1 的实车车型。就在他用相机为车型拍照的时候,同时也抽出时间与我们的编辑同事分享了他本人与《Gran Turismo》游戏系列的一些故事,并且讲述了对未来游戏的一些展望。

For those that aren’t familiar with your work, could you please introduce yourself?

My name is Kazunori Yamauchi and I’ve been the producer for the driving simulation game Gran Turismo for the past 20 or so years.

How have the last 20 years been for you?

Since each of the titles, from GT1 to the current one we are working on, GT6, it’s pretty much been no rest. I don’t even think I’ve had an actual weekend for the past 20 year ha-ha.

I heard that this is your first time seeing the actual physical version of the AMG Vision Gran Turismo. What are your thoughts on it?

I’ve seen the CG version of this car over and over again, but seeing it today, I’m really amazed at the quality of it. It’s above what I expected, and that’s already with a pretty high set bar.

It was mentioned that well before you even knew what the car would look like, you needed specs and technical data on the Vision in order to start the game developing on it. How did Mercedes facilitate your request, and how did you get them involved with the project?

Well, I initially reached out to a few manufacturers asking if they would make a Gran Turismo for Gran Turismo. A few got back to be saying that they would love to. What impressed me about Benz was that when I arrived at their design facility in Stuttgart, they literally had hundreds of designs of this car on this wall. They had their teams from all over the world to submit their designs for my request. They were really keen on this project and had so many people involved up until just one was selected.

I mean, this is the final design, but we are still working on the finishing touches at our studios. They made it that good.

There’s no denying the cult-like following of the Gran Turismo series. Could you tell us more about how things are going with the franchise, especially with the move to the next generation of consoles? With such attention-to-detail on the driving experience for each of the games, will things become more challenging as the demands increase?

I think moving from PS3 to PS4 actually makes development easier. The PS3 was a special type of hardware that required tweaking, but the PS4 is more plain and straightforward. Better graphics just bring make the experience that much more closer to the real thing.

Any last words regarding this experience and with GT6 coming soon?

I mean, either way, I am happy to see a beautiful car like this come out to the world today. It reminds us that cars are a beautiful thing.



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