近赏 BAIT x Saucony Shadow Original「Cruel World」联名鞋款

于早前为大家提供过独家鉴赏由 BAIT 和 Saucony 以 Shadow Original 为蓝本联手打造的「Cruel

Fashion 时装

于早前为大家提供过独家鉴赏由 BAITSaucony 以 Shadow Original 为蓝本联手打造的「Cruel World」联名鞋款,现可通过以上的图片仔细欣赏本次联名鞋款的各个细节。该款主要以禁止猎杀动物为灵感的 Shadow Original 除了为了保护动物外,同时 BAIT 把该次所获得的利润 $15,628 美金全部捐赠给洛杉矶的一家名为「A Place Call Home」的青少年机构。欣赏鞋款的同时不妨留意下面 BAIT 的创办人 Eric Cheng 分享此番合作的点滴以及心得。

What was the original inspiration or moment when you guys thought to do an all-vegan shoe?
We wanted to try something different and unique from the rest of the projects we were working on. From the beginning, we always wanted to give back to the community with BAIT, one way or another. We felt it was time for us to initiate a project that had a positive message. Saucony has a vegan line that we felt not too many people in the sneaker world were familiar with. We felt a vegan shoe was the perfect medium to carry out our concept and we wanted to take advantage of Saucony’s vegan capabilities.

In a seemingly short amount of time, you guys have put out several solid collaborations, how have you been able to do so and what has it taught you for future collabs?
I have been in the industry for 12 years before I started BAIT. We had the trust and support of multiple brands to start working on collaborations before the store was opened. It’s been very hectic, but fun working on the projects that are now starting to roll out to the public. Working on these collaboration projects, we have learned a lot about production and development, but above all it allowed us a look into the differences between the diverse brands’ culture, attention to details, and commitment to excellence. We took meticulous note of everything we did right and wrong and hope the experience will help us make better products in the future.

What other brands and models would you guys like to work on and what do you guys have planned next?
We have multiple projects on many of our favorite models from different brands at the moment. I think it would be great to design a completely new casual running model for one of the top brands. Next up for us is a series of ASICS Gel Lyte III’s that we spent a lot of time working on. Very excited about them and we’ll keep everyone tuned in.



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