铃木哲也谈论 honeyee.com & .fatale 的未来发展

早先日本时尚网路杂志 honeyee.com 及 .fatale 被日本 IT 公司 Artana Inc. 收购的消息在业内引起了不小的反响,而近日 The Fashion Post 就籍此话题对

Fashion 时装

早先日本时尚网路杂志 honeyee.com 及 .fatale 被日本 IT 公司 Artana Inc. 收购的消息在业内引起了不小的反响,而近日 The Fashion Post 就籍此话题对 honeyee 主编铃木哲也进行了一次专访,邀其谈论了对 honeyee.com 及 .fatale 未来发展的看法。由藤原浩、中村世纪、清永浩文和铃木哲也四人创立于 2005 年, honeyee.com 已通过广告业务成功扭亏为盈,并凭藉与众设计师的良好关系打造出内容丰富的采访特辑和品牌型录。而在此次专访中,铃木哲也也提到正在越来越原宿化的日本女装正代表著未来的流行趋势,在保持对日本国内众多新兴设计师的关注同时,引入更多欧洲时装屋的资讯,或许是 honeyee 下一步的发展方向。完整的专访可前往 The Fashion Post 查看。

Your WEB magazine “honeyee.com” is already in its 8th year, and it has been 2 years since the establishment of your women’s WEB magazine “.fatale” in 2011.

We established our new women’s fashion WEB magazine “.fatale” centered around our “honeyee.com” model. We managed to turn the cash flow positive by 2012 just with advertising revenue. I believe we have succeeded in creating another business model for “honeyee.com”. This has already been announced, but as of September 2013, our shares have been transferred to Aratana Inc., based in Miyazaki prefecture. Ever since honeyee.com’s establishment in 2005, we were faced with the problem of what to do with the company in the future. Unable to decide on a concrete answer, we’ve postponed this problem up until now. However, this also meant the postponement of the question to whether our activities at honeyee.com can be considered successful or not. This was a question I wanted to straighten out at any rate, being entrusted the company by shareholders such as Hiroshi Fujiwara, Hirofumi Kiyonaga, and Hiroki Nakamura. I wanted to be able to report that “honeyee.com is a success!” Right at that time, Shinji Hamauzu of Aratana Inc. came into the picture, and highly valued the current presence of honeyee.com as well as its possibilities for the future, hence leading to our transfer of shares – M&A. This pretty much marks the end of our first chapter. I guess we can say it’s a happy ending.

And now the start of our second chapter. Actually, honeyee.com is not the only one in the midst of entering a new phase. In comparison to the last time I attended an interview on this sight, I think the situation surrounding WEB media and the Tokyo fashion scene has undergone a big change. In my last interview, I mentioned men’s clothing to be the hot topic, but now, the heat has cooled down and I think there is more possibility in women’s clothing. To be frank, I feel there is a hint that Tokyo’s independent women brands are becoming more “Ura-Harajuku (Harajuku Back Street) style”.



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