Frank The Butcher 接受 Life + Times 的访问谈论其创立的品牌 BAU

作为潮流界家喻户晓的知名球鞋设计师 Frank The Butcher,不仅担任 Boylston Trading Company 的主理人,并为自己开设的节目主持,曾多次与

Fashion 时装

作为潮流界家喻户晓的知名球鞋设计师 Frank The Butcher,不仅担任 Boylston Trading Company 的主理人,并为自己开设的节目主持,曾多次与 Reebok,adidas 和  New Balance 等各大知名品牌合作。而最近他就专注于他刚创立的街头品牌 Business As Usual (BAU),日前更接受了时尚平台 Life + Times 的访问,谈论到创立品牌的起源,过程以及心得等问题,现可从下面了解,若想查看完整的访问可以登入到 Life + Times

At what point did you realize that you were ready to start your own clothing line?
I think I was a late bloomer. I probably should’ve been did the line. In theory, it would’ve made more sense and nobody would’ve thought it was out of left field. I think a lot of my friends and peers in the industry expected me to do this earlier. They were like “When is this going to happen?” I’m just not the type to jump out of the window that easy. I think about things for a long time, I run every scenario through my head and I plan things down to every last detail. I think launching Business As Usual this summer was the perfect opportunity to start the next phase of my career where I could create something that’s not necessarily attached to a retailer. It can just be an extension of me, my interest, my passions and just be a reflection of what I feel.

Streetwear brands often pull from the same sets of influences such as music, the underground, skate culture, etc. How will Business As Usual pull from those same sets of influences, yet establish itself as different from all the other brands?
I always say a lot of these brands are pulling from the same pool of inspiration, but I think the way we process inspiration is a little different. Obviously, I come up in the same era as a lot of these brand owners. I know a lot of them. We are in similar age groups. We like similar things, but it’s the processing of that inspiration into what you do that makes you different from everybody else. Business As Usual, yes it’s encompassing music, the previous sneaker collaborations and all the things that I’ve done, but it does it in a way that it’s not an obvious execution. Business As Usual is clean. It’s not built solely around graphics. It’s built on good clothes and good designs. It’s cool if someone wants to buy a shirt because it says “Business As Usual” across the chest, but I want them to continue to come back because that t-shirt was the best fitting shirt they’ve bought, because it washed well, because it’s comfortable and because the quality and execution is up to par, so while those inspirations we share I also have the need for creating premium clothing. That’s the extension. We can all do graphics on t-shirts, but I want to go one step further and make a premium athletic lifestyle line that you can live in for a long period of time. That’s the difference.



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