Engineered Garments x Baracuta 最新联乘外套正式登场

重新打造经典 G9 Harrington Jacket。

Fashion 时装

铃木大器主理的品牌 Engineered Garments 今番与英国品牌 Baracuta 合作,共同打造经典 G9 Harrington Jacket,这也是双方自 2018 年秋冬以来的再次联手。

Engineered Garments 为本次合作带来了三种配色,即蓝色、军绿以及黑色。品牌将经典 MA1 外套元素融合其中,G9 的传统修身版型被不同的宽松版型取代。柔软的绗缝衬里延续 MA1 的内里元素,同时为穿者带来保暖。本次联手是对年轻一代的致敬,启发我们聚在一起庆祝这一标志性的组合。铃木大器对这次合作说道:

“What excited me about the collaboration is that there is an international mix-up within the project. A respected British brand run by a respected Italian company designed by a Japanese designer with American experience. It is a new international standard.

The style is very universal and I personally would wear it over a suit or a blazer for a change. I would love to re-imagine and work on the G4 or G10 which are just as classic.”

Engineered Garments x Baracuta 联乘外套已登陆 Baracuta 官网、Nepenthes 与指定零售商贩售,售价为 €490 欧元,有兴趣的读者不妨前往了解。



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