Willem Dafoe 希望能拍一部「假小丑」对决 Joaquin Phoenix 版本「小丑」的电影

小丑 VS. 假小丑。

Entertainment 娱乐

知名男星 Willem Dafoe 近期透露曾幻想拍摄一部对决 Joaquin Phoenix 版本「小丑 Joker」的电影。

GQ UK 最新专访中,近期因《Spider-Man: No Way Home》回归出演反派「绿恶魔 Green Goblin」的 Willem Dafoe,表示他曾幻想一个有趣的事情,像是未来有一名「Joker imposter」(假小丑)声称自己是小丑,然后上演小丑对决自称小丑的人之戏码,而不是所谓的小丑对决。

There is something interesting about, like, if there was a Joker imposter. So it would be possible to have not duelling Jokers but someone that [claims] to be the Joker that isn’t the Joker

「这概念将会开启一部有趣电影的可能性,特别已经有一部 Joaquin Phoenix 主演的《Joker》,因此可以有个人在模仿他的行为,或是复制他的任何行为。」Willem Dafoe 如此幻想著,而他表示这个想法是第一次公开分享。

And that kind of opens up the possibility of an interesting story, particularly if you had Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker, and then you had someone who was either imitating or riffing off what he did. I fantasised about that. But other than that I am not talking to anybody [about it], you’re the first one.

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