The North Face 宣布全面停用、下架 Futura「原子风格元素」创作产品


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艺术家 Futura 在年初曾因其「原子风格元素」创作遭到 The North Face 挪用为「FUTURELIGHT™」系列主题而提出告诉,然而双方始终未能达成共识,最终前者在上月于网上公开发表声明谴责 The North Face 的侵权及威胁行为,相隔数日后,后者也同样发布了一则声明回应此事。

当中除了提到 The North Face 本身对于艺术家和著作权的尊重之外,也解释了「FUTURELIGHT™」系列是从过往帐篷的轮廓汲取灵感,并非取自「原子图案」,并表示将停止使用此图样并逐步下架相关产品,以作为对 Futura 的善意和尊重,以下为完整声明:

Our Deep Respect for Artists

The North Face, as well as VF Corporation and its family of brands, are home to and partners of many incredibly talented artists. We have great respect for artistic individuality, expression, and intellectual property, and would never want an artist to feel otherwise. This includes the recent unfortunate situation involving Futura, an artist we hold in high esteem.

Our FUTURELIGHT™ apparel technology launched October 1, 2019, and its logo was conceived and designed by our internal creative team to represent the nanospinning technology used to make FUTURELIGHT™ products. The logo was also inspired by the shape of the geodesic dome tent, which has been a key icon of The North Face brand for nearly 50 years.
Any resemblance to Futura’s signature atomic element design was entirely coincidental and not part of our internal design team’s inspiration.

While The North Face is confident there has been no infringement in this case, we are committed to supporting creative artists and their communities. As a sign of that commitment and a sincere gesture of goodwill, we will begin to phase out and discontinue the use of the FUTURELIGHT™ circular nanospinning logo design out of deep respect for Futura and his work.

We have clarified the original intent behind our FUTURELIGHT™ logo with Futura and his legal representatives many times and worked to find amicable solutions to reconcile this matter outside of a court for nearly two years. Unfortunately, these conversations have not proven successful, but we remain hopeful that we can reach a place of mutual understanding and agreement.

对于 Futura 强大的声量与号召力恐怕是 VF Corporation 始料未及的,或许 Futura 也很快会公开回应,各位对此有何看法?不妨在留言处与我们分享。



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