NILøS 2020 秋冬系列 Lookbook 正式发布

来自日本的时装品牌 NILøS 早先正式发布了他们的 2020 秋冬系列型录,在这次的作品中,灵感来自人类对日新月异且逐渐失去掌控的科技世界的恐惧,利用细节丰富的 Oversized 上着呈现相较于以往更有叙事性的单品。全新系列名为「MMXX//IAMTHAT」,推出了一系列外套、毛衣、衬衫和吸睛的裤款,所有单品都呈现了未来主义和反乌托邦风格的造型,以工业冷色调的灰、黑和白贯穿,今次的剪裁使得所有单品有著膨胀的造型,搭配上衣材质拼接以及随意垂吊的束绳和绑带,象征大自然产物的意念。
有兴趣的各位不妨查看上方的艺廊以及 NILøS 发布的 2020 秋冬系列注解,并期待时的正式发售。
Biotechnology takes place at the atomic level, extracting and replacing DNA to design new life.
I wonder how the creature born from the womb of sophisticated, kneading genetic manipulation can recognize their own existence.
How do these beings that differ completely from those moulded by millennia of natural selection perceive this deviation. This is the feeling that fascinates me. How can there be a god for these beasts?Could it not be that these living beings are the leaders inserting us into a dystopia?
Could it not be that they are accelerating the destructive swelling of our bloated and tetanized social structure?