美国疑似要胁瑞典政府邮件曝光!A$AP Rocky 冲突事件持续延烧
美国政府:「尽速释放 A$AP Rocky 以免带来『不好的后果。』」

A$AP Rocky 的冲突事件虽然已告一段落,这位富具才华的音乐人目前已安全返国,但 Rocky 一行人带来的麻烦却仍未消弥。
由美国新闻巨擘 CNN 所曝光,早先曾前往瑞典支持 A$AP Rocky 的 Robert C. O’Brien 的邮件。这位担任美国负责人质事务的特别总统特使在与瑞典检察当局谈论冲突事件时,希望瑞典政府能尽快释放 A$AP Rocky,以避免造成美国与瑞典双方潜在的「不良后果」。而瑞典官方代表 Petra Lundh 随即于隔天回应表示他无法关说此事,指出在瑞典只要被起诉,只有法院能够决定被告的去留,态度十分坚决。
Stockholm, Sweden
July 31, 2019Prosecution Authority of the Kingdom of Sweden:
On behalf of the US. Government, I present my compliments to the Prosecution Authority of the Kingdom of Sweden and with respect to the upcoming legal proceedings in the case of detained American citizens Rakim Mayers, David Rispers, and Bladimir Corniel, the US. Government requests the following:
-Immediate humanitarian release from the current Kronoberg Remand Prison.
-Supervised detention in a local Stockholm hotel pending final disposition of the case.I take this opportunity to remind the Prosecution Authority of the commitment by President Trump to Prime Minister Stefan Lovfen that the three Americans will remain in Sweden if granted a humanitarian release.
As Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, I stressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice officials on July 29, 2019, the government of the United States of America wants to resolve this case as soon as possible to avoid potentially negative consequences to the U.S.~Swedish bilateral relationship.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to the Prosecution Authority of the Kingdom of Sweden the assurances of my highest consideration.
Very truly yours,
Ambassador Robert O’Brien
Special Presidential EnvoyThe Prosecution Authority of Sweden,
Ambassador Robert O’Brien
Special Presidential EnvoyDear Mr. Ambassador
I have received Your letter and carefully taken part of Your concerns and requests regarding the American citizens and the case You are referring to.
According to the Swedish Constitution, a Swedish prosecutor is independent in his or her tasks to investigate crimes, to decide whether or not to instigate legal proceedings and to appear in court.
This means that no other prosecutor, not even I, may interfere with a specific case or try to affect the prosecutor responsible for the case in how he or she should decide or otherwise act with regard to the case.
Furthermore, when a person is charged and. the case is brought before a court, only the court can decide, during or after the trial, whether or not to release the person or decide on supervised detention.
I fully respect Your commitment in representing Your citizens but as I have explained above, I am unable to and therefore not take any action to accommodate Your requests.
Yours sincerely,
Petra Lundh
Prosecutor-General of Sweden
除此之外,读者亦可留意近期谈论度破表的名字 – Lil Nas X 爆红的 4 个关键点。