破译 Supreme 基因!创办人 James Jabbia 亲自解析 Supreme 起源

谈论 Supreme 的 DNA、成长和未来展望。

Fashion 时装

Supreme 诞生不过 20 余年,但是却能对拥有百年历史的时尚界造成冲击,其起源与如何成长看似透明却又盖著一层神秘面纱。今番 GQ 便找来了 Supreme 创办人 James Jebbia 谈论品牌的起源、成长过程与未来的目标。

要知道 Supreme 其实一直以来都很有个性,除了释出单品之外,品牌方很少流出太多资讯,更别想要创办人 James Jebbia 出来演说了。然而或许是因为因时势所然,在拿下 CFDA 美国年度男装设计师奖之后,媒体们的访谈邀约越来越多,不得不让自己出来揭开 Supreme 的神秘面纱。

James Jebbia:「我们的处事方式源自于我们尊重我们的顾客。」这句话对认识 Supreme 的人或许有点难以理解,因为某些门市的 Supreme 店员服务态度确实让人不敢恭维,但就像 Supreme 创意总监 Jen Brill 说过的:「我们有最帅的男生、最好看的造型和最烂的态度。」Jebbia 说这即是滑手们个性,而 Supreme 的目标客群本来就是滑手们。

The influence was the people who were around the shop–the skaters. They would wear cool sh*t; they wouldn’t wear skate clothes…It would be a Polo, it would be a Gucci belt, it would be Champion. We made what we really liked. And it kind of was a gradual thing. From a few tees, a few sweats, a pair of cargo pants, a backpack. But the influence was definitely the young skaters in New York.

对 Jebbia 来说,Supreme 一直都不只是一门生意,他将 Supreme 视为他生活的一部分,直到此时他仍旧专注在滑板面的内容,而非只是卖卖衣服。Jebbia 无疑地是看到了滑手们想要穿的很酷的市场,但却僵持在穿的好看与能代表他们个性的中间。

I never really even thought of [Supreme], in the very beginning, as a business. It was more of a hangout spot. You know, a place for that specific crew.” Jebbia’s brand took off in line with Harmony Korine’s Kids, which sought to depict the crew’s attitude that was often on display at the New York flagship. “It was raw…it was a specific attitude, and probably the DNA is [still] there now, but it really was a pure New York City kind of street skating.”

对于未来,Jebbia 说:「我们不会伫足原地。」相信这个价值不斐的品牌将会坚持属于他们的 Supreme 哲学,为我们带来更多振奋人心的作品。

完整文章可前往 GQ 阅读。亦可关注 HYPEBEAST 专访 Stone Island 行政总裁 Carlo Rivetti



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