Apple 首席设计师 Jony Ive 将离职并开设个人设计公司

未来仍会与 Apple 密切合作。

Tech & Gadgets 科技

Apple 首席设计师(Chief Design Officer) Jony Ive 于 1997 年因 Steve Jobs 的回归而受到重用,两人一同合作并奠定了 Apple 璀璨的未来;20 余年过去了,Jony Ive 依旧与新执行长 Tim Cooks 领航着 Apple 持续迈进。不过时至今日,根据 Apple 官方新闻稿指出,Jony Ive 确定将于今年底离开 Apple,并开设个人设计公司 LoveFrom,届时 Apple 将成为该公司的第一个客户。

Jony Ive 表示自己奋斗了近 30 年,成功在 Apple 打造了他人无法比拟的团队,并建构出一套流程与文化,以上贡献令他十分自豪。就算他离开了,他仍对伙伴们保持强大的信心,且依然是最为要好的朋友们,以下为原文声明:

“After nearly 30 years and countless projects, I am most proud of the lasting work we have done to create a design team, process and culture at Apple that is without peer. Today it is stronger, more vibrant and more talented than at any point in Apple’s history,” said Ive. “The team will certainly thrive under the excellent leadership of Evans, Alan and Jeff, who have been among my closest collaborators. I have the utmost confidence in my designer colleagues at Apple, who remain my closest friends, and I look forward to working with them for many years to come.”

有兴趣的读者不妨留意 HYPEBEAST 的追踪报导,亦可关注福布斯发表报告表示 Apple 最快九月推出全新 16” MacBook Pro。



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