《Fantastic Four》之 Marvel MCU 重启版本或将于 2022 年正式回归
还有影迷期待《Fantastic Four》回归吗?

三月多时曾报导《复仇者联盟 Avengers: Endgame》导演兄弟 Russo Brothers 对经收购案后的《Fantastic Four》拥有拍摄兴趣,而 Marvel 官方又对这部曾经重启失败的《Fantastic Four》有何规划?
近期根据 GWW 的最新报导指出,Marvel 与 Kevin Feige 的确有计划重启本片,并预计在 2020 年重回大萤幕,而传闻中将由《Ant-Man》导演 Peyton Reed 接手此重任。而 Peyton Reed 曾在《Ant-Man and the Wasp》的相关访谈中,提及过去就有针对《Fantastic Four》构思,并在 2002、2003 年提出相关想法,不过当时 MCU 尚未成形,但我也觉得 FOX 不会拍摄这部电影。
I developed it for about a year and we went through some different permutations and some different writers, but yes, one of the big ideas was a set-in-the-’60s thing that at the time was structurally gonna be basically like [The Beatles’ 1964 comedy-musical] A Hard Day’s Night, where we were not going to even deal with the origin story.
It was just going to be like you’re in Downtown Manhattan and they’re there. It was a pretty exciting idea. At the time — again this was 2002 or ’03 — early on, way pre-MCU, I felt like Fox was not gonna make it.
而目前此消息只属传闻,有兴趣的读者不妨留意 HYPEBEAST 的追踪报导,亦可关注 Gal Gadot 主演 DC 英雄电影《Wonder Woman 1984》首张照型图辑释出。