《Spider-Man: Homecoming 2》电影剧情疑似被泄漏


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本月各位期待的 MARVEL 电影便是《蚁侠2:黄蜂女现身》(Ant-Man and the Wasp),作为相信是 MARVEL 首部爱情喜剧,并将关联到明年电影,毕竟 Ant-Man 将会出现《Avengers 4》电影当中。而另一部令人注目的《Spider-Man: Homecoming》续集亦预计会在明年 7 月上映,然而 Spider-Man 在《Avengers: Infinity War》中是被「消失」,要如何将他「起死回生」便要看编剧们的功力。而网络上最近便出现疑似是《Spider-Man: Homecoming 2》电影的剧情简介,这来源通过 Reddit 发布,亦曾经在之前泄露过关于《Avengers: Infinity War》的细节,若担心被严重剧透的读者,不妨在这止步,因为以下便是其泄露内容!

- Set after AVENGERS 4. Peter is revived, and it appears Tony Stark will indeed die and Peter will be mourning his death. The plot revolved around something groundbreaking that Stark has created, and which is stolen and Spider-Man must retrieve.

- Set mainly in London. Peter and his friends are there for a conference sponsored by Stark Industries. MJ, Ned, Liz, Flash and Aunt May are returning, alongside the Midtown students and staff from HOMECOMING. Gwyneth Paltrow is also supposed to appear as Pepper Potts.

- Mysterio is the main villain. He is an international thief and master of illusion, who has stolen Stark’s creation at the behest of a mysterious employer. Apparently, there are plans to include the fishbowl helmet, but he will not wear it throughout the movie.

- Jessica Drew is a MI6 operative pursuing Mysterio, who begrudgingly teams up with Spider-Man to stop him. She has no superpowers, but is a combat expert and skilled tactician.

- Peter develops a rivalry with a new student, Alistair Smythe, a technology prodigy who is determined to upstage him. Smythe is “manipulative” and tries to turn Peter’s friends against him. His father, Spencer Smythe, works for Stark Industries.

- Vulture and Scorpion will appear in minor roles. Scorpion is apparently working for the same man who hired Mysterio to steal Stark’s creation, and they attempt to get Vulture to betray Spider-Man’s identity to them.

- Mysterio’s employer is apparently a major villain from the comics and will be prominent in SPIDER-MAN movies going forward. No word on who he is yet, but he will have a minor appearance in the movie. Marvel and Sony eyeing A-list actors. Casting won’t be officially announced. Supposed to be a surprise twist.

- Yes, they are building up to the Sinister Six, but they are not guaranteed for a potential third movie in the series.

- The title (so far) is SPIDER-MAN: FIELD TRIP.

根据泄露的内容,会先因《Avengers 4》的设定而让 Peter Parker 复活,而看来 Tony Stark 确实会死亡,Peter 会为他的死亡哀悼,剧情便由此作为故事开首。而这次电影的奸角将会是 Mysterio,是操控幻术及化学的大师,曾经被雇去偷 Tony Stark 的创作;另一边厢电影还将新增一名新学生 Alistair Smythe,他将和 Peter Parker 有着一些竞争,Vulture 和 Scorpion 亦同是次要奸角,Vulture 更会被要求出卖 Spider-Man 的身分,看来 MARVEL 有意在组织 Sinister Six,但尚且未决定会否有第三集的 Spider-Man ,而这次电影或将命名为《Spider-Man: Field Trip》。那么各位对此内容剧情又有任何意见,认为是否真的如此呢?不妨在留言中互相讨论。



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