Elon Musk 表示 Kanye West 是自己的「灵感缪斯」
是谁一直在影响着这位 Tesla、SpaceX 的主脑人物?

Tesla、SpaceX 等多个科技公司的主理人 Elon Musk 在不久之前现身在美国德克萨斯州的 South by Southwest(SXSW)创意大会,席间除了发表他计划在 2019 年上半年发射太空船到火星及讨论更多的科技发展议题外,主持人就问到 Musk 一条问题:「在场的所有人都被你启发,那么又是谁在启发你?」,Musk 想也不想便打趣地说:「Kanye West, obviously.」向来鬼马的 Musk 逗得全场发笑,正当大家以为他只是在说笑时,他就解正正经经地解释原因:
“Kanye West would be the first person to tell you he belongs on this list. The dude doesn’t believe in false modesty, and he shouldn’t. Kanye’s belief in himself and his incredible tenacity—he performed his first single with his jaw wired shut—got him to where he is today. And he fought for his place in the cultural pantheon with a purpose.
In his debut album, over a decade ago, Kanye issued what amounted to a social critique and a call to arms (with a beat): “We rappers is role models: we rap, we don’t think.” But Kanye does think. Constantly. About everything. And he wants everybody else to do the same: to engage, question, push boundaries. Now that he’s a pop-culture juggernaut, he has the platform to achieve just that. He’s not afraid of being judged or ridiculed in the process. Kanye’s been playing the long game all along, and we’re only just beginning to see why.”
他认为 Kanye West 早在十多年前已经坚守自已的信念,不同于其他 Rapper,Kanye 用歌词作为武器去批判社会,没有惧怕批评及嘲笑他的声音,所以有了今天的成就。