LaVar Ball 威胁 LA Lakers 同时签下「The Ball Family」三兄弟
LaVar Ball:签下 Ball 家所有人,否则 Lonzo 将离开 Lakers。

LaVar Ball 在近日接受立陶宛媒体《Donatas Urbonas》访问时语出惊人,首先表示正在 Prienu Vytautas 打球的 LiAngelo Ball 将会投入 NBA,如果未能被球队签下,就会再与 LaMelo Ball 再打两年海外联盟,届时改换 LaMelo 有机会一登 NBA 舞台。两年后的 Lonzo Ball 将会到了换约阶段,LaVar 喊话要 Los Angeles Lakers 一举签下三兄弟,否则要 Lonzo 离开 Lakers,而这也是 LaVar 口中为三兄弟想好的伟大计划。不知道各位支持 Lakers 的球迷怎么想,欢迎在留言处分享看法,亦可顺势阅读换血后的 Cleveland Cavs 最新球队阵容与 Lonzo 最新混音专辑情报。
I want all my three boys to play for the Lakers. But if that does not happen, I’m telling you the story what’s gonna happen first. If they don’t take Gelo this year, I bring Gelo here to play with Melo for two years. Lonzo will be on his third year and I want let ever NBA team know that Lonzo is not going to resign (sic) with the Lakers but will go to any team that will take all of my three boys. That’s my plan.