Kevin Durant 正式回应 LeBron James 加盟勇士传言
KD:这个联盟什么事都可能发生,就像没人料到我会加盟 Warriors。

昨日 NBA 最大震撼弹为传出今夏 Golden State Warriors 只要能腾出薪资空间,就有可能进行招募 LeBron James 的动作。此事一出引来众家媒体与球评议论,今番媒体就找上了 Golden State Warriors 的多位球员,针对此事进行看法分享,得知此事的 Kevin Durant 一听到后即刻脱口而出:Bulls–t!随后,KD 补充说道联盟的运作就是如此无法预测,就像没人料到他会加盟 Golden State Warriors。而队友 David West 则轻描淡写的回应:他必须与 Draymond Green 抢 23 号(He’s gotta get No. 23 from Draymond Green)。
Bullshit, but in this league, just like a couple years ago, me coming here nobody would have thought that. It’s part of me as a basketball player, like let’s just worry about basketball. Then on the other side, we know it’s business as well, and a lot of crazy things have happened since I’ve been in the league. And in the future, it’s gonna be even crazier things that are going to happen.
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