观看「MARVEL 之父」 Stan Lee 生前最后感谢粉丝画面
Stan Lee:I love my fans. I cannot tell you how much I love my fans.

一代美漫传奇人物 Stan Lee 与世长辞享寿 95 岁,消息一出后,多位曾参与 Marvel 系列电影的演员 Robert Downey Jr.、Chris Evans、Tom Holland、Hugh Jackman 和 Chris Pratt 等人皆纷纷释出个人哀悼文,让许多漫画迷们的百般不舍。而「初代 Avengers」更是买下本周 The Hollywood Reporter 的全版广告,以感人肺腑的言论感谢 Stan Lee 这辈子的付出。
根据女儿 J.C. Lee 分享,「Marvel 之父」在生前仍在创作新的角色,而该角色已命名为 Dirt Man,但尚未曝光其特殊能力。而近日除了官方制作的致敬影片之外,Stan Lee 官方 Twitter 页面也接续释出 Stan Lee 生前最后感谢粉丝的专访画面,影片中他由衷感谢长年以来粉丝的支持,言语之间的温度相信粉丝们能完整接收到。
I love my fans. I cannot tell you how much I love my fans,” Lee says in the video, basically out of nowhere. “There’s something, if you think about it, that is wonderful about somebody caring about you as I care about them, whom you’ve never met, who may live in another part of the world. But they care, and you have something in common, and occasionally you contact each other. This business of fans, I think is terrific, and I love ‘em all.
如你同样喜爱 Marvel 与 Stan Lee,不妨重温 Stan Lee 笔下 10 个经典 Marvel 角色创作。