Twitter 发表声明解释为何不禁止 Donald Trumps 的帐号


Tech & Gadgets 科技

作为现任美国总统的 Donald Trump,每次言论都是语出惊人,当中他的 Twitter 帐户更加是无定向的爆发,但却让很多人在想,何以 Twitter 在 Donald Trump 多次冒犯亦仍能放纵,所说的是多次违反了 Twitter 的服务条款。其中一则关于发文反击北韩领袖金正恩,更有抗议者出现在 Twitter 总部外,要求禁止 Donald Trumps 的帐号。

而 Twitter 随后在其博客上发表声明:

There’s been a lot of discussion about political figures and world leaders on Twitter, and we want to share our stance. Twitter is here to serve and help advance the global, public conversation. Elected world leaders play a critical role in that conversation because of their outsized impact on our society. Blocking a world leader from Twitter or removing their controversial Tweets, would hide important information people should see and debate. We review Tweets by leaders within the political context that defines them, and enforce our rules accordingly.

如此一说,Twitter 的意思便是不会阻止政治人物和领导人的讨论,抑还是「得罪方丈的后果大家都知道吧?」



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