《Star Wars: The Last Jedi》男主透露 Tom Hardy 及英国王子将有份客串
无奖问答:这是 Tom Hardy 第几次蒙面出演电影?

相信任何一位演员都会希望能出演《Star Wars》内任何一个角色,硬汉如「007」Daniel Craig 即使蒙面也要客串上一集《Star Wars: The Last Jedi》一个 Stormtrooper 角色便可想而知。最新续集《Star Wars: The Last Jedi》即将上映,饰演男主角 Finn 的 John Boyega 在接受电台访问时,就主持人提及去年英国两位王子去年到访电影拍摄现场有否客串的题问时回答:
I’ve had enough with those secrets. They came on set. They were there. I’m sick of hiding it. I think it was leaked, anyway. There were images. Every time I get asked, I have to dodge it. I’m tired of dodging it. They were there. So was Tom Hardy.
确认了两位王子有到过片场并如同 Daniel Craig 一样扮演 Stormtrooper 之外,也算是证实了一直以来 Tom Hardy 有份客串的传闻,不过有关两位王子的戏份,John Boyega 表示可能将会被剪走 …