母亲节呈献-KFC 推出肯德基上校爱情小说《Tender Wings Of Desire》

一直都花样百出的美式连锁快餐店 KFC,想不到会在本年母亲节稍稍「认真」起来,竟然选择为肯德基上校带来首部浪漫主义小说,由肯德基上校 (Harland Sanders) 做主角,以 96 页去描述 Lady Madeline Parker 离开家人,拒绝嫁给一个富有的公爵,然后开始在水手们常去的小酒馆工作,其后认识到 Harland Sanders 并发展出一段爱情,而 KFC 的美国广告总监 George Felix 表示:
The only thing better than being swept away by the deliciousness of our Extra Crispy Chicken is being swept away by Harland Sanders himself. So this Mother’s Day, the bucket of chicken I get for my wife will come with a side of steamy romance novella. Dinner is taken care of and she’ll have the time to escape her busy schedule.
这本小说将会在 Facebook 向支持者送出 100 本,错过了的可以稍后在 Amazon 上免费阅读,显然这本小说是 KFC 的营销手段,但如此有创意,也不得不让各位上当。