Netflix 公布 2017 年度用户观看报告
Johnny Depp 也没想到竟有人于一年内观看了 365 次《加勒比海盗》电影。

Netflix 早前公布了 2017 年度用户观看报告,当中更有不少出人意表的有趣发现。据悉,全球用户每日观看频道累积超于 1.4 亿小时,而全年最高观看人次的日子竟是元旦!此外,Netflix 更幽默地泄露了不少个别用户的古怪观看习惯,像某用户竟于一年内连续 365 天观看《Pirates of the Caribbean:The Curse of the Black Pearl》,紧随其后的有同样被单一用户于全年内观看高达 357 次的《Bee Movie》。面对如此搞怪的用户观看数据,Netflix 亦于 Twitter 作出与其自家制作电影《A Christmas Prince》的相关回应:
To the 53 people who’ve watched A Christmas Prince every day for the past 18 days: Who hurt you?
有兴趣的读者可查看下列 Netflix 观看报告的排名:
The Shows We Devoured in 2017(每天观看超于 2 小时的剧集)
1. American Vandal
2. 3%
3. 13 Reasons Why
4. Anne with an E
5. Riverdale
6. Ingobernable
7. Travelers
8. The Keepers
9. The OA
10. The Confession Tapes
The Shows We Savored in 2017(每天观看小于 2 小时的剧集)
1. The Crown
2. Neo Yokio
3. A Series of Unfortunate Events
5. Friends from College
6. Ozark
7. Big Mouth
8. Ultimate Beastmaster
9. Dear White People
10. Disjointed
The Shows That Got Us Cheating in 2017(用户承认私下比伴侣先看的剧集)
1. Orange is the New Black
2. Stranger Things
3. Narcos
4. 13 Reasons Why
5. Ozark
6. Marvel’s The Defenders
8. Marvel’s Iron Fist
9. Black Mirror
10. Grace & Frankie