Christopher Nolan 认为 DC 近年在拍摄电影上「急于求成」

被认为是 21 世纪最成功和最受好评的电影导演之一的 Christopher Nolan,最让人认识的必然是他执导的蝙蝠侠三部曲,还有的便是《Inception》及《Interstellar》。然而最近 Christopher Nolan 在伦敦举办的 BAFTA 活动中亮相,便提及到他的蝙蝠侠三部曲与当前蝙蝠侠系列的分别所在。他指出他的蝙蝠侠三部曲推出的时间是很缓慢的,因此可以让他有概念地开发及拍摄。接着他更补充他们用七年时间带来了蝙蝠侠三部曲,是绝对享有特权和优势才可以做得到;反之新的蝙蝠侠看似急于生产,未能慢功出细货。
That’s a privilege and a luxury that filmmakers aren’t afforded anymore, I think it was the last time that anyone was able to say to a studio, ‘I might do another one, but it will be four years.’ There’s too much pressure on release schedules to let people do that now, but creatively it’s a huge advantage. We had the privilege and advantage to develop as people and as storytellers and then bring the family back together.
不知道各位又会否同意这位名导演的说话呢?但是 DC 下一部电影新作是《Aquaman》,将于明年 12 月 21 日才上映,在这之前已有 7 部 Marvel 电影上映,但愿《Aquaman》会是值得期待的作品。