Monocle 于伦敦开设 Kioskafé

国际旅游生活杂志《MONOCLE》在伦敦开设集印刷品、旅游及咖啡为主题的 Kioskafé,回应「消费者对印刷品失去兴趣」普遍说法。在 EDM architects 设计的简约环境内,将陈列 MONOCLE 编辑们亲自搜罗的书刊,亦贩售由内衣裤、雨具到文具等优质选物,严选的餐饮则有 Allpress coffee 及小食。
总编集长 Tyler Brûlé 道出开设 Kioskafé 的理念:
We want Kioskafé to be a celebration of print — putting the written word, fine images and crisp paper center stage. We’ve worked hard to make the selection of titles on the shelves a mix of the much-loved and commercial, combined with just-launched indies that get shelf space not because they’re new and hyped, but because they offer journalistic value.
31 Norfolk Place
W2 1QH