Kanye West 谈论自己不笑原因
无论是舞台上还是舞台下,Kanye West 总以冷酷形象示众,尤其是对于狗仔队,Yeezy 的极端不友好态度更是众人皆知。「笑容」绝对是 Kanye West

无论是舞台上还是舞台下,Kanye West 总以冷酷形象示众,尤其是对于狗仔队,Yeezy 的极端不友好态度更是众人皆知。「笑容」绝对是 Kanye West 字典中绝对的稀有词汇。然而就在近日于洛杉矶举行的 Daily Frony Row 时尚颁奖典礼中,Kanye 做为嘉宾为 Milk Studio 创意总监颁奖之时,道出了自己不喜欢露出笑容的原因是因为一本诞生于 1800 年的古书,因为书上逼真、著装华丽的人物图像中没有任何笑容的表情。Kanye 甚至还认为笑容会打破特定的意境,因此就显得非常不酷。可想而知,如此令人费解的解释又会成为大众津津乐道的话题,也希望大家踊跃在留言处中留言,发表自己的看法。
“Back when I was working on Yeezus, I saw this book from the 1800s and it was velvet-covered with brass and everything,” West said. “I looked at all these people’s photos and they look so real and their outfits were incredible and they weren’t smiling and people, you know the paparazzi, always come up to me, ‘Why you not smiling?’ and I think, not smiling makes me smile… When you see paintings in an old castle, people are not smiling cause it just wouldn’t look as cool.”