Rick Owens 接受《The Talks》专访大谈婚姻生活

美国时装设计师 Rick Owens 最近接受了网站《The Talks》专访,大谈设计师生涯以及与太太 Michele Lamy 的婚姻生活。众所周知,Rick Owens

Fashion 时装

美国时装设计师 Rick Owens 最近接受了网站《The Talks》专访,大谈设计师生涯以及与太太 Michele Lamy 的婚姻生活。众所周知,Rick Owens 与太太的关系向来密切,他们不但是夫妻关系,还是生意上的最佳拍档。有人将 Michele Lamy 比喻成 Rick Owens 的 Pierre Berge(Yves Saint Laurent 的男友),但 Rick Owens 在访问中却不同意这种说法;他认为,太太更像是法国女星 Catherine Deneuve,有著独特的眼光和启发,也是自己的贤内助,愿意和自己甘苦与共。

What role does Michele play in your work?

She is part of the spirit. I think people assume that she is maybe the Pierre Berge – if we’re thinking in legendary Yves Saint Laurent terms – but I think maybe she’s more of the Catherine Deneuve character of that legend. She has great inspiration and great vision. It’s not like she’s in the office every day on the computer, she’s out in the world, researching, and bringing me things back. It’s almost like an ephemeral role. It can be so hard to define.

Like a muse?

Muses… That word is like a “fag hag.” I always introduce her as my better half because I think that’s such a great way of putting it. It’s like, I don’t really know where one of us ends and the other begins. It’s more profound than a business partner. We would be having a beautifully aesthetic life whether this was successful or not, it’s just that we’ve made it public and sold it and so people recognize it. But it would have been great anyway. She’s a great person to be poor with because we’ve been poor together! We could live in a car together and it would be really fun. But Michele doesn’t see a collection until that day.

Why not?

If Michele’s looked at something and frowned, if she didn’t respond the way I wanted, it would totally fuck me up. I can’t! I can’t engage her. For better or for worse: I have to decide. You want to engage somebody that you’re so intimate with, but you have to keep them at a distance at the same time. It’s an odd little balance. There are probably some relationships that thrive on discussion and a lot more collaboration, and I wish I could, but I’ve learned that no matter how much I want to, I can’t. It’s like… I can’t learn French. You just can’t force yourself. For everybody’s benefit I better just do my job quietly in a little corner like I do.

完整的访问内容不妨登上《The Talks》浏览。



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