KENZO 2013 秋冬形象视频「Cloudbusting」
KENZO 自从由 Opening Ceremony 的 Carol Lim 与 Humberto Leon 出任创意总监之后,整个脱胎换骨,而近年兴起的 Hi-End x Streetwear
KENZO 自从由 Opening Ceremony 的 Carol Lim 与 Humberto Leon 出任创意总监之后,整个脱胎换骨,而近年兴起的 Hi-End x Streetwear 风潮对品牌来说更有推波助澜的效果。继日前释出与 TOILETPAPER 合作打造的 2013 秋冬形象企划之后,KENZO 又再发表最新形象视频「Cloudbusting」进一步带来视觉的冲击力。片段由一众骑士演绎品牌的最新秋冬作品,并配合节奏感强劲的背景音乐呈现。而对于这部形象视频,Carol Lim 及 Humberto Leon 就说道:
The concept came from the men’s collection. At the show, we saw these looks emerge, precise and technical, as if powered by a definite sense of purpose, but also embellished and decorated with painterly motifs. The contrast was beautiful, like a hand embroidered space suit, something in itself almost contradictory. We wanted to develop this first impression by finding the perfect world from which these looks were beamed, and the duty to which they were dedicated. From this came the motorbikes, the helmeted acrobats endlessly polishing off impossible movements and the girl in the middle, who follows her own set of rules and splinters the perfect order.