《Stranger Things》创作人证实第 3 季作品正在准备当中
Duffer Brothers 要忙死了…
令人引颈以待的 Netflix 原创惊悚剧集《Stranger Things 2》,终于在周五进行全球首播,而就在这时候,剧集的创作人 Duffer Brothers,即 Matt Duffer 和 Ross Duffer,又带来了一个好消息:
The hardest thing with this story is that we were tracking these multiple storylines and having them sort of build about at the same pace as to crescendo at the same time. It’s always the hardest part as we move into writing. Like we’re starting on season 3 now, it’s always the most difficult thing just to get those to build simultaneously. It’s always a challenge, and so we’re still learning. I mean, we’re trying to do this eight-hour, nine-hour movie so to get that pacing just right, you know, it’s always hard.
Duffer Brothers 近日接受 Deadline 访问时,谈及在创作《Stranger Things》剧本时遇到的困难,期间更透露了第 3 季作品正在准备当中,消息令人兴奋。另外,虽然 Netflix 还未作出正式的官方公布,不过一直有消息指他们已有计划推出第 4 季,甚至更多,希望好好把握《Stranger Things》的人气程度。如果照这样的计划安排,相信 Duffer Brothers 将会有更多烦恼要解决。